Monday, May 24, 2010

Holding On & Letting Go

I'm willing to admit that I don't have much patience and what patience I do have has developed since I became a mother. And on occasion, I can be a little dramatic. Or a lot, depending on the day.

While Max has inherited many of my good qualities, he has also inherited my lack of patience and flair for drama.

We've had lots of discussions about using patience, especially as I am working with Max on riding his bike. I've made a deal with Max and yes, bribery may be involved: He needs to learn to ride his bike before he starts 3rd grade.

Max: But I might fall and hurt myself and bleed.

Me: You will fall, Max but you'll get right back up. I fell off my bike lots of times and we didn't even wear helmets.

Max: But this is so HARD and I just want to learn RIGHT NOW and have it be easy.

Me: Remember how we talked about that sometimes the best things aren't the ones that come easy? When you have to work at something you are more appreciative of what it takes to get there.

Max: Well, I am still scared of falling and I think I will just call my bike the vehicle of death! (See what I mean about the drama?)

As we rode around the driveway (slowly) and practiced starting and stopping, I remembered my yellow bike with the plastic basket covered in flowers and the day the training wheels came off. I was scared. And yes I fell. Lots. I told Max this story and while I'm not sure I convinced him that he really shouldn't be scared, I saw a glimmer of a smile each time he went a little further without me holding on.

Max: Promise you won't let go Mom. Not ever.

Mom: I won't let go yet, but soon you won't need me to hold on.

Funny how growing up and riding a bike have so many similarities.

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